Holy Week | Postcards
This is the second in a series of digital postcards from our travels this Holy Week, which is also Spring Break for our family. One of our first stops of the trip was an accidental one. Driving through the streets of Miami Beach, we stumbled across St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. The beautiful church offered up two fantastic postcards for today. Couldn’t resist.
Just a few weeks ago I saw a picture of the “chicken church” posted by @UnvirtuousAbbey. It’s just perfect for today’s Psalm reading!
“How precious is your steadfast love, O God! All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7

Near the entrance of the church, right at the corner, stands a statue of the Madonna and Child, reminding me of the Annunciation text also read on Monday of Holy Week (Luke 1:26-38). Look carefully in this picture for another symbol of the Spirit caught in mid-flight.